Monday, May 31, 2010

"Indifferent" has a face.

Welcome to the blog, and the beginning of the production, "Indifferent"!

I'm happy to say that the show image is now complete, and ready to help bring the meat in the seats.

This portrait, made by Nicole Garcia, embodies the setting of the show and the unjust world that our protagonist, Pheidippides awakens to.

Solely existing externally, rejecting connection and feeling because of the infinite possibilities they create and the potential pain that may occur, the people of the world have turned to the opinion shop, TRUTH. They buy opinions and beliefs, and parrot their purchased knowledge to carry on living in their one dimensional world.

When Pheidippides, our hero, awakens to the world with his memory having been erased, he is forced to find the words to define his reason and unreason. With nothing but the present, Pheidippides works to build his perception and find meaning to his existence, internally and externally. The battle is where will he draw his knowledge from.